We are “A community following the way of Jesus that plays our part in the renewal of Allenton and Shelton Lock.”


Church is more than an hour and a half gathering on Sunday; Church is sharing life around a table; “practising the way of Jesus” together. Throughout the week, we want to live in community as groups of less than 10 people,  where we eat, pray, and share life together. Small groups are often where the ugly, beautiful, difficult, and rewarding moments of real life take place and is often the place where we grow in our love for one another as family.

  • We're aiming to launch our small groups after Easter and we want to keep things as simple as possible. So, during our first term we want to focus on simply gathering together around a simple meal (or cake!), praying for one another and sharing our stories. We appreciate that we all having different schedules and commitments outside of Sundays, so our hope is that there will be a variety of St. Ed's Communities to choose from that meet on different days and times.

  • You'll be able to sign-up to a group on our website when they are launched after Easter or simple filling in a St. Ed's Community Group Form when they become available. 

  • We would love for you to consider either joining, leading (co-leading) or hosting a Community Group. Please can you kindly complete this really quick and easy form to let us know your interest and we'll get in touch with you soon.